In this triptych I wanted to create a common path, like a trajectory where turbulence unfolds. It happens at a start, middle and end points. Like a metaphor of life itself or a thinking process; I wanted to play also with repetition, and debris left as the moment of turbulence and uncertainty moves along that red path. As I previously investigated (pods work line), there are still moments of structured movement, collapse and residue left behind that I needed to depict. Much like every moment in life happy or sad always resonates. I also wished to test further hard limits and forced suture elements adding scrap metal and physically dividing each panel in two . With this piece I want to set the scene for the next series.
3 vertical pieces-mixed media, inkjet, black ink, silver pigment, pewter strip, steel staples, steel thread and acrylic on velvet Epsom heavy paper. 3 pieces each 343x900mm